

报告题目: Development of Isogeometric analysis (IGA) method in ocean engineering applications

报告时间202404 2915:00-16:00(北京时间)





报告简介:The isogeometric analysis method (IGA) is originated from the idea of unifying the CAD modeling and CAE design processes. Following the standard FEM method, the IGA method replaces the Lagrangian type shape functions with the high-continuity spline function. The shape functions can be further enriched by introducing the weight functions, which is called the non-uniform rational b-spline functions (NURBS). This method has shown promising accuracy for modeling structural vibration, fluid-structure interactions, and manufacture processes. In this presentation, we will go through how the IGA can be applied to various engineering applications including unban acoustic modeling, floating wind turbine design, and multi-scale crack propagation.

报告人简介:Dr. Pai-Chen Guan completed his doctoral degree from UCLA in the year of 2008. His research interests are in the fields of nonlinear structure analyses, fluid structure interaction, contact, impact mechanics, marine structures. Dr. Guan started his professional career as an instructor in UCLA. Then he moved back to Taiwan to start his academic career in the Taiwan Ocean University. During his career in Taiwan Ocean University, he also served as Chair of Department of Systems Engineering and Naval Architecture at NTOU (2018.08-2021.07), Secretary general of Taiwan Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineer (TSNAME, 2020.09-2022.08), and the Associate Dean of College of Engineering at Taiwan Ocean University (2022.01-present).